Chlorfenapyr 25% + Indoxacarb 10% SC

Pesticide Name: Chlorfenapyr and Indoxacarb
Dosage Form: SC
Toxicity: Moderately Toxic
Total Active Ingredient Content: 35%
Active Ingredients and Their Contents: Chlorfenapyr: 25%, Indoxacarb: 10%

Method and Scope :
  • Crop/Place : Chinese Cabbage
  • Target Pest : Beet Armyworm
  • Dosage (Formulation Dosage per Mu) : 14 – 18 g/mu
  • Application Method : Spraying

Our advantages:

  • Check Mark Premium Manufacturer
  • Check Mark Professional Service
  • Check Mark Quality Guaranteed
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Technical Requirements:

  1. Spray the product during the initial peak period of young larvae occurrence. Ensure the spraying is uniform and thorough.
  2. The interval between consecutive applications should be 7 days.
  3. Do not apply the product on windy days or when rainfall is expected within 1 hour.
  4. The pre-harvest interval of this product on Chinese cabbages is 14 days, and the maximum number of applications per crop cycle is 3 times.

Product Performance:

This product is formulated by combining two insecticides with different mechanisms of action. It is suitable for the integrated pest management and resistance management. With strong permeability, it has a good control effect against Spodoptera exigua on Chinese cabbages. It has both stomach – poisoning and contact – killing effects, as well as ovicidal effects. It kills pests rapidly, has knockdown activity, a long-lasting efficacy, and is resistant to rain erosion.

Additional information

Total Content

Chlorfenapyr: 25%, Indoxacarb: 10%

Dosage Form

SC(Suspension Concentrate)


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